Hair Test Sample Collection
- Do not attempt to collect the hair strand test sample until at least thirty (30) days have passed since the likely incident date.
- We strongly recommend that a picture (digital time/date stamp) be taken during any sample collection showing the sample donor’s face for identification.
The human hair is homogeneous therefore the test sample can be collected at one location or a combination of collection points. The hair test sample collector should have available the following tools and supplies to complete the sample collection e.g sample collection gloves, sharp scissors cleaned with alcohol, alcohol swabs (Walmart, Walgreen’s), a clean , white, #10 envelope, either a private or Chain of Custody testing form, UPS shipping envelope.
Human head hair grows on average of about 1/2″ /month. Therefore, if your test sample is 2″ in length we can go back 4 months chronologically. If your test sample is 1/2″ in length we can go back 30 days and so on.
Please collect a group of full-length hair strands, no roots, no follicles, collected at the scalp line. The test sample should be full-length strands and the diameter of a pencil (1/4″). Be sure to wrap the scalp end of the test sample strands tightly with a small piece of aluminum foil. This way when your test sample arrives we can determine the scalp end of the strands. Place the test sample in the white envelope, seal, and then tape the envelope sealed, flap with a piece of printable tape. Your witness should sign the tape and include the date and time the test sample was sealed in the envelope.
Nail Test Sample Collection
The nail test sample collector should have available the following tools and supplies to complete the sample collection e.g nail clippers, known- Acetone polish remover, nail collection container ( we recommend a new prescription bottle from (Walmart, Walgreen’s) sample collection gloves, nail clippers cleaned with alcohol, alcohol swabs (Walmart, Walgreen’s). Clip each fingernail or toenail along with scraping the nail surface of all clipped nails. Either a private or Chain of Custody testing form, UPS shipping envelope.